The Different Levels of Treatment at South Shore Recovery Center and Why It Matters

The Different Levels of Treatment at South Shore Recovery Center and Why It Matters

It can be difficult for some individuals to overcome substance use disorder (SUD) and co-occurring mental health conditions without support. Breaking down different types of treatment at South Shore Recovery Center can help. Taking on too much too soon can be weighing and often leads to treatment dissatisfaction and a poor recovery outcome. Spending time with a trained specialist to develop an individualized treatment plan can ensure one gains the most out of treatment. Both day treatment and half-day treatment can provide the flexibility needed for balance and healing. 

What Is Substance Use Disorder?

When an individual misuses harmful substances or alcohol for a prolonged period, they only put themselves at risk for developing SUD. SUD is a chronic brain disease that hijacks an individual’s reward system. Due to the pleasurable effects of substance use, an individual with SUD may continue to abuse drugs and alcohol despite knowing the harmful risks involved. Many individuals with SUD experience problems with low self-esteem, shame, and guilt. 

Intolerable withdrawal symptoms can make it difficult for one with SUD to discontinue misusing harmful substances. It can be easy for those who do not have problems with addiction to assume it is easy to stop using drugs and alcohol. However, withdrawal symptoms may not just be uncomfortable; they can also be fatal. Thus trapping one in the cycle of addiction. There is no known cause for substance abuse, but several factors may play a wide role in the development of one’s condition. Common risk factors for SUD may consist of: 

  • Peer pressure
  • Emotional distress
  • Genetics
  • The action of the drug
  • Environmental stress

The Link Between Substance Use Disorders and Psychiatric Conditions

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), there is a significant connection between addiction and psychiatric disorders. For example, it is common for some individuals who develop SUD to be diagnosed with mental health conditions and vice versa. A wide body of research has found that adolescents facing challenges with SUD have elevated co-occurring mental illness rates. It was also estimated that approximately 60% of adolescents in addiction treatment programs had met diagnostic criteria for another psychiatric disorder. 

For example, studies have discovered high rates of comorbid substance use and anxiety, such as panic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Those with schizophrenia present increased rates of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use disorders than the general population. SUD also co-occurs with: 

  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Psychotic illness
  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • Antisocial personality disorder

How Can Remaining Abstinent From Harmful Substances and Gaining Mental Stability Change One's Life?

Unaddressed SUD and co-occurring mental health conditions can negatively impact many different aspects of an individual’s life. Although emotional and social support can be beneficial, it can be challenging for one to function daily without receiving professional support. Addiction not only affects the individual diagnosed with SUD or a mental illness, but their condition can affect their surroundings as well. Many individuals who struggle to manage their condition experience the following: 

  • Impaired relationships with family and friends
  • Poor work performance or unemployment
  • Academic challenges or expulsion 
  • Problems with law enforcement or imprisonment 
  • Trauma exposure or violence

The Significance of Breaking Down the Different Types of Treatment at South Shore Recovery Center

Living with unaddressed SUD can be stressful. Searching for the right treatment facility can be even more overwhelming. Taking time to slow down and research different treatment centers can be beneficial. Sometimes, touring a recovery center can give one a better feel of the environment. This can help one decide whether the facility is right for them or not. If one does not live near the facility in which they are interested, requesting a virtual tour may be a sensible option. Breaking down different treatment options can also be advantageous. Each treatment center has its own unique methods, requirements, and policy to abide by. 

For example, South Shore Recovery Center has a variety of person-centered addiction treatment modalities to explore. Our treatment center has person-centered programs to aid in relapse prevention. For instance, our team understands that person-centered care is a vital clinical philosophy in outpatient treatment for SUD. Our recovery center provides resources to educate our patients on a number of concerns, which include: 

  • Addiction treatment 
  • Mental health and wellness
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Mental health disorders
  • Dual diagnosis and co-occurring disorders
  • SUD

The Importance of Slowing Down to Plan the Right Path Forward

It is common for some individuals to pick the first treatment choice just to get the process started. They may feel rushed to fix the problem without thinking about the consequences of abruptly choosing just any treatment. One treatment center may have availability before another. Rather than choosing the nearest availability for care, sometimes waiting can make a world of difference. Knowing that the search for the right addiction or mental health treatment can be a frustrating process, taking time to slow down and do some research is essential to finding the right treatment facility that respectfully works to tailor their services to each patient’s needs. 

Individualized Treatment Plans at South Shore Recovery Center

Reaching out to a specialist at South Shores Recovery Center can be a great head start. Research indicates that an individualized treatment plan can also be referred to as a unique treatment plan. If one speaks with a specialist, they have the opportunity to develop a more progressive, comprehensive, and personalized plan. An individualized treatment plan typically includes various behavioral health services to accommodate an individual’s needs. 

The team of experts at South Shore Recovery Center is strongly dedicated to changing the lives of others through compassionate, patient-centered services. Doing so can aid in helping each patient gain a more positive outcome for a better future. Our trained specialists work closely with our patients to understand their specific circumstances. The care team also communicates with empathy to foster trust and create a healthy bond with each patient. This encourages engagement while the individual is in the recovery process. Accessible and individualized treatment programs that help individuals overcome SUD and co-occurring conditions include: 

  • Day Treatment Programs
  • Half-Day Treatment Programs
  • Outpatient Services
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment

How Does South Shore Recovery Center Provide Person-Centered Treatment?

Not knowing what to expect can make one feel uneasy or hesitant to move forward with care. Some individuals may also fear judgment when sharing personal information. Privacy concerns may be a common barrier to receiving the best treatment plan, but many individuals take comfort in knowing that South Shore Recovery Center takes pride in maintaining a judgment-free treatment environment. 

Our care team may ask about an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, health concerns, and goals to link our best services to our patient’s needs. We may also question one’s interests and dislikes to ensure a more comfortable treatment experience. Therefore, patients can feel confident in sharing their complete medical history to gain the most out of their treatment plan. 

Day Treatment at South Shore Recovery Center

For those who require more support than weekly counseling but do not require around-the-clock inpatient care, day treatment at South Shore Recovery Center can be a great option. Even the most motivated individuals may experience challenges coping with their condition. Substance cravings, trauma triggers, unwanted substance exposure, and more can be problematic during treatment and recovery.

South Shore Recovery Center’s day treatment program modalities can provide intensive care support and real-world therapy techniques for those with moderate to severe symptoms. Our patient care team encourages evidence-based therapies and holistic care for those experiencing challenges with substance use and behavioral health management. 

Holistic Care at South Shore Recovery Center

Not everyone agrees with solely treating their condition with prescription medications. Certain side effects can also be a worry. Taking on a strict pharmaceutical approach does not guide one in finding healthy coping mechanisms for complete relief.

Fortunately, holistic care at South Shore Recovery Center provides a whole-person approach. Depending on the individual’s condition or treatment chosen, very little to no side effects may occur. If an individual has a mild to moderate disorder, holistic care can be a great alternative to prescription drugs. Holistic care options at South Shore Recovery Center include but are not limited to: 

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
  • Mindfulness-based therapies
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Family therapy
  • Exposure therapy
  • Relapse prevention
  • 12-Step facilitation and immersion

Medication-Assisted Treatment at South Shore Recovery Center

Although taking certain FDA-approved medications is an important tool in one’s journey to recovery, they do not provide a cure for SUD. For those who are having problems with a more severe dual diagnosis, a medication-assisted treatment (MAT) option can be a great path to take moving forward. MAT combines FDA-approved medications with counseling and behavioral therapies. This program can help one better understand their addiction and mental health disorders. 

South Shore Recovery Center’s care team works well with our patients by making certain adjustments to help them reach sober stability. For example, a professional may suggest complementary counseling or behavioral therapy in combination with their current medication plan to further enhance the patient’s treatment outcome. 

Half-Day Treatment at South Shores Recovery Center

Once an individual reaches stability, they have the option to move to a half-day or intensive outpatient treatment program. Finding work or going back to school can seem like a lot and, in some cases, be intimidating. During this stage, patients begin to set and pursue specific goals to find overall balance. A half-day treatment program (HDTP) refers to a structured treatment plan. It is designed to provide intensive therapy and support for reassurance. 

The program at South Shore Recovery Center does not require patients to stay overnight. HDTP offers less intense supervision for an easier approach. Therefore, our program serves as an intermediary level of care. It can be a viable treatment option between traditional outpatient services and inpatient care. Our programs aim to assist those in continuing their care with the convenience of still residing at home. 

Outpatient Treatment at South Shore Recovery Center

After an individual’s treatment plan has been completed, this does not necessarily mean the patient has been cured of addiction. Not everyone is ready to independently transition into recovery without receiving professional support. Early recovery can be a vulnerable stage. Outpatient care can be a great option for those who do not require inpatient or half-day treatment. 

Outpatient treatment options at South Shore Recovery Center can provide light support and flexibility for those who do not need to be monitored or receive dedicated aid-focused support. An individual who chooses to move forward with outpatient care may attend school, work during the day, handle other responsibilities, and effectively participate in treatment during the afternoon. Outpatient care at South Shore Recovery Center does not require one to spend half the day at the facility. However, one may attend therapy for just a couple of hours in their day.

Why Finding Balance Matters During Treatment and Recovery

Both treatment and recovery require hard work and strong dedication to achieve long-term stability. It is important for one to take each day one step at a time. Some individuals find it tough to balance treatment, relationships, academics, and work altogether. 

South Shore Recovery Center’s trusted care team’s goal is to help each patient balance their treatment to set them up for success. It can be easy for one to compare their progress with others. Viewing treatment and recovery from an outside perspective can help. Everyone comes from a different place. Therefore, no person finishes treatment at the same time, and that is to be expected.

It is common for one to relapse within the first year after completing treatment. Although this can seem like a major setback, South Shore Recovery Center emphasizes the importance of ongoing aftercare and relapse prevention planning. The team may kindly offer necessary resources and support networks to help one navigate the challenges of daily life. It can be easy for one to get wrapped up in one’s daily responsibilities, but practicing self-care is important to finding balance. Self-care practices that can help one stay on track to lasting stability include: 

  • Getting an adequate amount of sleep
  • Engaging in sober activities with likeminded individuals
  • Expressing new symptoms with South Shore Recovery Center professionals
  • Maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet
  • Consistently building a strong support network 
  • Practicing gratitude each day and night

Why Is It Important to Stay Honest and Open Throughout Treatment for Success?

To increase treatment satisfaction, it is important for one to stay honest throughout their journey to recovery. It is also important for one to stay open after they complete their treatment program at South Shore Recovery Center. If an individual harbors certain emotions or passively completes their treatment program, this may worsen one’s condition and decrease options for new opportunities. Reporting certain concerns to a specialist at South Shore Recovery Center can help. Doing so may aid a specialist in working closely with the patient to adjust their treatment plan and increase overall treatment satisfaction. 

Reaching Out for Additional Support at South Shore Recovery Center

Many individuals may feel hesitant to reach out to others for fear of hurtful stigma, stereotypes, and discrimination for their condition. Support, in general, is an important element while in recovery. Accepting support from immediate family, close friends, and trained professionals is critical for one to stay on track to reach their recovery goals. 

South Shore Recovery Center’s patient care team encourages engagement in practices that enhance our patient’s understanding of themselves and their recovery journey. Our treatment center understands that daily stressors and intense emotions can often become a relapse risk. Learning to manage stress and regulate emotions is critical for sustaining recovery. Our care team teaches helpful techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and mindfulness practices, to assist patients in handling stress effectively. These techniques are designed to provide soothing relief and support emotional stability for ongoing success.

What Is South Shore Recovery Center's Ultimate Patient Objective?

South Shore Recovery Center’s ultimate objective is to empower individuals to achieve and sustain a healthy, fulfilling, and substance-free life. Our facility supports family involvement and education. South Shore Recovery Center also understands that self-awareness and mindfulness are crucial for maintaining recovery. By addressing the root causes of addiction and equipping patients with the essential skills needed, our qualified staff aids patients in creating a long-lasting life of recovery. The clinical team includes master’s-level licensed clinicians, a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, and a board-certified medical director in addiction medicine.

At South Shore Recovery Center, we are committed to providing compassionate, patient-centered care for individuals struggling with various addictive disorders. Through our day treatment program (DTP), half-day treatment program (HDTP), outpatient services, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT), we tailor treatment plans to meet each person’s unique needs and challenges. Our programs are designed to offer accessible and effective treatment options that empower individuals to reclaim their lives, achieve lasting recovery, and embrace a healthier, brighter future. Situated in Plymouth, MA, we proudly serve the South Shore region, providing accessible and individualized treatment options for those with substance use and co-occurring disorders. Contact us at (774) 515-2878 to develop an individualized treatment plan and take the first step toward transformation and healing. 

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Questions About Treatment?

If you or your loved one are ready to begin healing from substance use disorder or mental health challenges in Plymouth, Massachusetts, South Shore Recovery is here for you. Let us guide you on your journey toward sustainable wellness by reaching out to our knowledgeable and compassionate team today.
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