Motivational Interviewing Therapy for Lasting Change

Motivational Interviewing Therapy for Lasting Change

It is common for an individual with substance use disorder (SUD) to feel unworthy of change. Persistent feelings of guilt and shame related to one’s past addictive behavior can be problematic. If tough emotions are left unaddressed, one may be at risk of developing a co-occurring mental health condition such as depression or anxiety. Therefore, motivational interviewing therapy can empower an individual to believe they can change, which is vital in the journey to healing.

Motivational SUD interventions play a wide role in helping patients collaborate with professionals. This can help one gain insight and empathy to overcome the challenges related to addiction. South Shore Recovery Center utilizes motivational interviewing to tailor unique strategies that resonate with our patients to motivate them toward lasting change.

Challenges of Untreated Substance Use Disorder

Addiction, left unaddressed, can significantly impair many different aspects of an individual’s life. Misusing harmful substances for a prolonged period can put one at serious risk of developing severe SUD. SUD is a chronic brain disease that negatively interferes with an individual’s reward system. 

For example, every addictive substance produces dopamine to activate feelings of great pleasure. As a result, it is common for some individuals to withdraw from loved ones to misuse dangerous substances. The rewarding effects produce the likelihood of continued use. Thus, many individuals with SUD repeatedly misuse drugs and alcohol, even knowing the negative consequences involved with their addiction. 

Uncomfortable yet fatal withdrawal symptoms can also force one into the cycle of addiction. Intense cravings, unwanted triggers, and substance exposure can make it even more difficult to maintain abstinence from drugs and alcohol. An individual who chooses to repeat addictive behaviors may eventually experience the following: 

  • Impaired relationships with family and friends
  • Poor work performance or unemployment
  • Academic challenges or dismissal from school
  • Problems with law enforcement or imprisonment
  • Co-occurring mental and physical health complications

Why Would One With SUD Feel Unworthy of Earning a Second Chance?

It is common for some individuals to feel they do not deserve to receive treatment or support from others. They may feel that the damage they have done is irreversible. Some individuals may assume that they are not worthy of love from friends and family due to their past addictive behaviors. They may lack confidence, self-esteem, or trust in themselves to maintain treatment without having a relapse.

Although this is a common problem, it is to be expected. The cycle of addiction can lead one down a dark path. When an individual feels as if they hit rock bottom, the waves of emotion can make it even more difficult to put themselves together and overcome addiction. Some individuals may internalize hurtful stigma from loved ones and peers, which may lead to decreased motivation. Regardless of one’s past, everyone deserves a journey to healing to gain a second chance.

How Can Self-Affirmations Help One With SUD Stay Motivated?

The Social, Cognitive, and Neuroscience study of the self-affirmation theory states that individuals with SUD shall practice a positive self-view. Any factors linked to a perceived sense of being in control are met with resistance. Neural processes are linked with fortunate self-affirmation. Key pathways may be enhanced simultaneously with prospective. For example, when an individual feels low, self-affirmations can help one gain self-competence by studying sources of dignity and consistently reflecting on core values. 

Knowing that many individuals with SUD face challenges with self-forgiveness, poor self-esteem, and poor confidence, it can be tough to stay motivated. Self-affirmations can help one remain determined to complete addiction treatment and commit to a sober lifestyle while in recovery. It can be challenging for one with substance use disorder to stay optimistic for a lasting change. Beneficial self-affirmations include “I”: 

  • “I am in the right place, doing what is right.”
  • “I have everything I need.”
  • “I am enough.” 
  • “I matter.”
  • “I can take this one step at a time.”
  • “I deserve to heal.”

The Importance of Maintaining Abstinence From Drugs and Alcohol

Although hurtful stigma, poor mental health, and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms can make it difficult for one to attempt change, it is important for one to maintain abstinence from drugs and alcohol. Recovery does not happen overnight. For instance, many individuals relapse within the first year after completing treatment. However, relapse is a natural occurrence, and any amount of effort is often respected by those involved in one’s addiction. 

A lack of support can make it difficult for one to sustain abstinence. Accepting professional, social, and emotional support is crucial for maintaining sobriety. Maintaining abstinence can reduce one’s risk of enduring worsened physical and mental health problems. Choosing to continue to put the coping mechanisms, strategies, and tools from therapy into action can promote relapse prevention for a lasting change. Maintaining abstinence from drugs and alcohol can mend relationships with those who were affected by one’s addictive behavior and provide a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

Self-Help Strategies to Help One With SUD Cope With Addiction and Maintain Sobriety

Using positive self-affirmations can be a great tool in maintaining a lasting change. Understanding that treatment and recovery involve hard work and strong dedication, it can be easy for one to forget to put energy into self-love. Practicing other forms of self-care in combination with positive mental acknowledgments can further improve one’s healing process. If an individual fails to look after themselves, they may find it challenging to stay on track to long-term recovery. Different forms of self-care that can help one achieve lasting change include: 

  • Gaining an adequate amount of rest
  • Keeping a nutritious diet
  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Staying active on a daily basis
  • Engaging in sober activities
  • Setting goals and working toward them
  • Developing a strong support system

Reasons For One With SUD to Surrender to Professional Treatment and Support

Although positive self-affirmations and self-care practices can be advantageous, surrendering to professional treatment can be even more beneficial. Therapy can provide an individual fighting SUD with new yet effective tools to stay motivated for lasting change. It is common for some individuals with addiction to fear stigma or judgment from others for seeking support. 

South Shore Recovery Center is committed to providing compassionate, patient-centered care to our patients. Our treatment center has a team of dedicated professionals who work together to create a supportive and nurturing community for patients facing challenges with addiction. Surrendering to treatment, such as motivational interviewing at South Shore Recovery Center, can help one navigate the challenges of addiction for lasting change. 

What Is Motivational Interviewing Therapy?

The role motivational interviewing therapy plays in helping patients collaborate with professionals to gain insight and empathy to overcome their challenges related to addiction. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), motivational interviewing is an efficacious, evidence-based method. This therapy approach helps patients resolve certain doubts that may interfere with and prevent lasting change. 

The core elements of motivational interviewing work by expressing empathy. Motivational interviewing techniques draw out a client’s reasons for commitment to effectively change addictive behaviors and maintain abstinence from drugs and alcohol. This SUD intervention stems from one-on-one person-centered counseling to raise awareness of one’s internal differences about their condition. 

Why Choose Motivational Interviewing Therapy?

Not everyone agrees with treating addiction or co-occurring mental health conditions solely with behavioral medications. Some individuals prefer a more natural approach to care. Fortunately, motivational interviewing therapy is a holistic intervention. An individual can use this whole-person approach to care as an alternative to other forms of care. If they have a more severe case of SUD, they may be more apt to choose this therapy as a complementary service to pharmaceutical solutions. In other words, medication-assisted treatment (MAT). MAT is considered to be more effective than participating in behavioral treatment alone.

The Original Core Principles of Motivational Interviewing Therapy

Based on the aforementioned SAMHSA study, motivational interviewing can promote an individual’s motivation to change as it is essential to making change happen. To increase treatment efficacy, a provider must embody the goal of motivational interviewing. In other words, the spirit of motivational interviewing focuses on the collaboration between the patient and provider to foster a lasting change. Four interwoven motivational interviewing practices include:

  • Partnership: The provider shows empathy and genuine curiosity so the patient becomes more willing to express their concerns 
  • Acceptance: The provider shows respect by implementing the four components: accurate empathy, absolute worth, affirmation, and autonomy support to help the patient feel accepted
  • Compassion: The provider actively promotes the patient’s welfare and prioritizes their needs for consistent improvement 
  • Evocation: The provider explores the patient’s values, strengths, resources, and motivations for success

Focusing on the Four Motivational Interviewing Therapy Processes

Although the four motivational interviewing principles have provided benefits in the past, the four processes provide much value. Strategic responses and reflective listening can help keep conversations moving. The processes can aid one’s practitioner in framing a more clinical session to promote a more lasting change. Each process includes: 

  • Engaging: Providing a relational foundation for behavioral change
  • Focusing: Identifying one’s agenda and goals for consistent change
  • Evoking: Using motivational interviewing skills to create a goal for change
  • Planning: Developing a plan to bridge behavior change

What to Expect From a Typical South Shore Recovery Center Motivational Interviewing Therapy Session

It can be common for one with SUD to feel hesitant to move forward with care as they may not know what to expect. Not being familiar with this type of care can be unsettling. Trained therapists at South Shore Recovery Center follow a series of guiding principles and techniques to help one feel comfortable to proceed with care. A patient can expect to engage in open-ended questions. This can provide deeper reflection and insight to build trust. A specialist may also use reflecting listening techniques to validate the patient’s experiences for rapport. South Shore Recovery Center also recognizes the patient’s strengths and continuous efforts to increase their sense of motivation while in their care.

The Value That Can Come From Participating in Motivational Interviewing Therapy

Motivational interviewing can bring awareness to a patient’s values to achieve a healthier way of living. The strategic conversational approaches can aid in increasing one’s internal motivations to encourage one to take action toward gaining better well-being. 

When practitioners choose to adapt to an individual’s cultural norms, this can further enhance one’s journey through treatment. Motivational interviewing for those with SUD can improve treatment retention and the overall length of abstinence. Staying dedicated to care can increase one’s odds of maintaining positive behavioral change for lasting sobriety. Additional benefits that can come from participating in motivational interviewing include: 

  • Improved self-efficacy
  • Reduced resistance
  • Treatment readiness
  • Strong accountability
  • Developed trust
  • Reduced relapse risks
  • Increased confidence
  • Overall empowerment 

Roadblocks to Recovery

Life can get busy. It can be tough for one with SUD to stay committed to any type of therapy, let alone motivational SUD interventions. Even the most motivated individual may still find it stretching to make it to every therapy session. Important responsibilities such as making it to work, attending class, and balancing treatment with relationships can feel taxing.

An individual with SUD may already be experiencing deep feelings of shame and guilt for certain behaviors. Some individuals may fear taking time away from loved ones to attend treatment may further worsen their already damaged relationships. This may demotivate one from staying consistent with care. Daily stressors can also make one feel less motivated to pursue addiction treatment. One may rather sleep them off or take a long drive to clear their head instead.

Tips to Stay Dedicated to Motivational Interviewing Therapy for Lasting Change

Although staying dedicated to care can be challenging, communicating new symptoms or concerns to a chosen specialist can help. Doing so may potentially enhance one’s treatment retention and adherence for increased satisfaction. Additional tips to help one experiencing problems maintaining care stay focused on treatment include: 

  • Keeping a journal to track personal progress
  • Celebrating even the smallest victories for personal acknowledgment 
  • Making therapy more accessible, such as considering telehealth or online services
  • Planning ahead to prevent stress or unwanted hassle
  • Taking time to reflect on the importance of professional support
  • Staying sober to eliminate distractions from care

Moving Forward With South Shore Recovery Center For Long-Term Sobriety

South Shore Recovery Center utilizes motivational interviewing to tailor services that meet each individual’s needs to increase ongoing motivation. The team at our facility’s goal with motivational interviewing is to empower our patients to take complete ownership of their path to recovery. This way, our patients will feel more invested in their healing process. Addressing certain challenges and barriers to care can assist in reinforcing commitment. 

Our trained specialists understand that opening up about the past can be uncomfortable and worsen one’s anxiety. Many individuals at South Shore Recovery Center understand the importance of creating a safe environment to help each patient explore their challenges with ease and discuss their motivations for success. Therefore, we take joy in helping each patient explore their nerves and target their objectives and goals for lasting motivation. 

Considering an Individualized Treatment Plan

Motivational interviewing therapy may not be for everyone. Taking time to speak with a certified specialist at South Shore Recovery Center can help. A professional can work closely with the patient to develop an individualized treatment plan. For example, the specialist may ask a series of questions to get to know the individual on a more personal level.

They may ask about the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and goals for their recovery journey. The specialist may also ask for a complete medical history to ensure motivational interviewing may be an effective approach to care. A specialist may also ask about one’s interest in adding on a complementary service to increase the patient’s treatment satisfaction. Doing so may help determine whether motivational interviewing is the right treatment service for the patient and guarantee a more optimal recovery outcome.

What Happens After One Completes Their Motivational Interviewing Treatment?

Once treatment has been completed, a patient will not be cured. Completing treatment also does not mean “goodbye.” South Shore Recovery Center understands that addiction recovery is a lifelong process. Our team also understands that ongoing support is critical to overcome a serious case of addiction. An unwanted relapse is never wanted, but it is a natural part of recovery. South Shore Recovery Center understands that a relapse can feel like a major setback.

Therefore, our treatment facility provides personalized aftercare services and long-term recovery support to aid in relapse prevention and help one get back on track to lasting sobriety. The average individual resides at our facility for approximately 90 days. We understand that significant changes and transformations may occur and take pride in necessitating a robust aftercare plan for lasting motivation. 

Our team of qualified professionals offers compassionate care in a welcoming environment. Utilizing motivational interviewing allows us to adapt our interventions to each patient, ensuring a personalized approach to their recovery. This approach also supports our goal of empowering individuals to achieve lasting recovery and well-being. Motivational interviewing complements our comprehensive treatment modalities, including individual therapy, family therapy, and medication-assisted treatment. At South Shore Recovery Center, we’re here to support you every step of the way. If you’re interested in learning more about how motivational interviewing can help you on your journey to recovery, contact us today at (774) 515-2878. Discover how our personalized approach can make a difference in your life.

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If you or your loved one are ready to begin healing from substance use disorder or mental health challenges in Plymouth, Massachusetts, South Shore Recovery is here for you. Let us guide you on your journey toward sustainable wellness by reaching out to our knowledgeable and compassionate team today.
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